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If wasn’t an evil thing to do Elsa would have laughed. Oh MERLIN who would have known Azura would get so flustered by her question? She fumbled with her words, red crimson creeped up her cheeks, tainting her fair skin and all Elsa could think of was how funny she looked.
She stuttered for a few moments, mumbling incoherent sentences, trying to answer her properly. She almost felt sorry to ask but - Morgana have mercy on my soul - it was too darn entertaining.
Elsa giggled, resting her hand on top of Az’s arm “It’s okey, if you don’t want to tell me, really” sincerity pouring out of her green eyes.
A boy or two? Woaaah, wasn’t she a devilish one Az? “You sneaky gargle!” she exclaimed “ Look at you, all flustered and clumsy and you have two love interests!” her smile spread wider over her lips with amusement. She clearly was messing with Azura. It was totally fine, she herself like more than band members, just none of the boys at Hogwarts so far.
“Would you tell me who they are? Do they fancy you back? Have you ever kissed a wizard before?!” words were pouring out of her mouth like water. No retrain whatsoever. She looked at Azura with pleading eyes. Say yes, please please, let me live vicariously through you - they seemed to say.
Azura shook her head as Elsa spoke and she put her hands up and waved them around as if to ward off the girls words!
"No! It's nothing like that at all! Honestly!" She said, she didn't want the other girl to think she was like.. DATING two guys.. She bit her lip a little and sighed a bit as she attempted to calm down her flushed cheeks..
It was all right to have crushes! Wasn't it? So why was she freaking out so much!!
Breathe Azura.. Breatheeeeee She mentally told herself as she took a deep breath at Elsa's next questions..
"Oh.. umm well.. They are Torie, he's a 3rd year Hufflepuff.. and Uhh.. well.. Colt.. sorta..He's a 4th year Slytherin." She wasn't going to mention Jasper.. Nuh..uh! It wasn't going to happen! He might go back to Australia next year and she couldn't face that heartache. She had to thank Jace again for helping her figure that out!
"No way do they fancy me back! Me? I'm just a first year, who's clumsy, has a weird name and odd color eyes. It's purely a one sided thing." She said with a nod
"And no, I've never kissed anyone before."