Thread: The Mirror
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Old 02-11-2016, 03:40 AM   #16 (permalink)
Scorpio Vulpeculae
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Utopia
Posts: 232
Fourth Year

Sabbath had been sitting cross-legged on his bed in his dorm, sorting through a collection of muggle photographs from home when an amazing and beautiful thing happened, a small white bird made entirely of paper flittered in through the window. He reached out his hand and it alighted there before ceasing its flight. He examined it, opening out the paper and recognised the handwriting immediately. He smiled to himself, magic never ceased to amaze him. He read the words, hearing the voice of Noelle, it's author, in his mind.

Stashing the paper in his side drawer, he slipped on his shoes and headed out of the dorm, making short work of arriving at his destination, the fourth floor corridor. Up ahead he could see the unmistakable form of Noelle, talking to another girl, who he, as he got closer, recognised as Noelle's younger cousin Hope.

"Hey, you two", he called ahead with a grin, "A little bird told me you'd be here!" As he reached them, he bent down a little to kiss his hello's to Noelle, one cheek then the other. Before doing the same to Hope "Hi Hope, are you keeping Nells company? Oh wait..." He gave her an extra kiss... "That one's from José. He said when I saw you next, I must give a little kiss from him". He chuckled. "So, what's going on?"

"Ayyy!" Sabbath was startled by the presence of another girl that he hadn't even spotted before. She did seem to meld with the darkness of the corridor. "Oh Sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you a friend of Noelle and Hope?" Realising that his fright was a rather poor introduction, he tried to make amends, by flashing her a warm smile. "Hi, I'm Sabbath. He offered the same greeting to the girl's new friend, a kiss on one cheek then the other.

Last edited by Scorpio Vulpeculae; 02-11-2016 at 03:55 AM. Reason: Goblin posted before I refreshed my screen..eep :D
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