Open for a partner Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Partnering? Ilia didn't always enjoy being friendly, but today she wasn't exactly opposed. She had no danger of bratzilla trying to partner with her, and she was generally safe from that prat Zeke as his girlfriend tended to usurp his attentions. Praise be to Odin for that....
On the other hand, she rarely got to have her boyfriend anymore because she had chosen a Hufflepuff. In all his Puffness, prefect duty, honor, all that jazz........he didn't say 'no, I am partnering with my girl'. Instead, her sweetheart tended to partner with anyone who asked him. Being kind was all fine and dandy, but it almost a hundred percent of the time was a bit much honestly.
She didn't pout though, simply put on a welcoming smile as she surveyed her options. Maybe a guy? That seemed to tweak Henric's gears a bit when she partnered with boys. Here fishies, who wanted to play? She was very good at this subject. |