Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd Quote:
Originally Posted by Nc.Ap. Mason guffawed, "Adorable?" she asked, "I am not adorable! I am evil, fear me. Grrrr."
She was only joking (or was she?) but she really hated being called adorable. Whether it was to her or to her insults and witty comebacks, just no.
Mason mimicked choking before scrunching up her nose even further (It was gonna get stuck like this if she kept doing that) "I'd rather kiss the Bloody Baron, dude. And of course I have morals! I am obviously very classy, so what would you expect?" Mason groaned, "Are you seriously still on that? Let it go, I learned my lesson, geez."
Did he seriously just pet her? Like she was some dog or owl that just did something cute. Ugh, boys. . . Mason laughed, "Well, hopefully she's a more entertaining of you two!" she said and smirked, "You're comebacks are getting boring. Can't keep up with me, Winchester?" "Well it bloody should!" she said with a grin, "You're really sensitive today. What happened, your boyfriend break-up with you?"
Mason frowned at him, "Can't you draw something more realistic? Like a person? That would be much more impressive than a dragon." Colt snorted with laughter and responded sarcastically. "Yeah I'll fear you alright." She was a cute little first year. How could anyone be afraid of her? Colt raised his eyebrows when she called herself classy. "Really your classy. You need to prove that to prove me wrong." He loved messing with her and seeing her reactions. He was going to let her detention go. He owes her that. I mean he wouldn't want to relive the horrors of cleaning. She thinks Kaylee is more entertaining. He agreed with that one. "Yeah she is more entertaining with the big mouth of hers. You should meet her in the common room. I can take you there after." He promised that one.
Did she just say his comebacks were getting boring. Not that he cared. He was done arguing for now. He was more concentrating on his artwork. "Nah they aren't boring. You are giving me nothing to work with. You're just not worth it." He smirked to himself. He raised his eyebrows yet again. Did his boyfriend break up with him? He laughed and shook his head. "Nahh but I see someone is a bit moody. What are you on your period?" Girls go through that. Usually that makes them moody.
Draw something more realistic? He shrugged and said, "I could but then I would let someone else's opinion get to me. That is not how a true artist work." Real artists don't give a crap what anyone thinks of them. "Not like you can draw any better." he smirked and challenged her.
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