Not content with simply doodling the corner of her parchment , Elsa proceeded to draw on the entire page, making a
few simple sketches of the teacher's pet.
She leaned back from her parchment and smiled proudly. Yep, Potions was her favorite subject, but drawing was something she loved. It was a bummer Hogwarts didn't provide a more artistic vein of the program. She would so be into it.
She eyed the classroom around her one more time, a few more people had arrived. She saw Hady sit in the front of the room all tidy and ready. She smiled in her direction, waving her fingers, acknowledging her.
Her eyes swept the rest of the newcomers and fell on a fellow Slytherin whose name she thought she knew. Colt she thought. She eyed him with curiosity, he seemed to be accessing if it was safe to seat near the rat or not. A smiled pulled up one of the corners of her mouth and she glanced down, making a few more changes to her drawing