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Old 02-08-2016, 08:24 AM   #4 (permalink)

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20. Knitting Charm

"Rub my feet will you James?" Lily asked, flopping herself down onto the couch and pulling her legs onto his lap. He didn't have much of a choice.
She let a relaxed, incoherent noise escape her mouth as he found the spots that had been bothering her the most. As she celebrated going into her third trimester, she had begun nesting. There hadn't been a lot she could do, of course. She couldn't go out with the father of her child and buy a crib, or the blanket their child would first be wrapped in, or a christening gown. No. She had to delegate that to her best friends. She could, however, put the crib together, though James had refused to let her, and had done it himself. She could fold the clothes and put the nappies into the change table bag. She could help paint the nursery, and decorate the mobile.

And she could knit.

"You know, they have a charm for that," James said, as Lily reached to her knitting bag, pulling out a yellow ball of yarn.
"I know, but I need to do something. With my hands. Knitting. I can knit this child clothes, and booties."

always on the move
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