Mischievous Niffler Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Ansley had fallen asleep on his couch. He had been feeling somewhat overwhelmed with lesson plans, grades, and other teacherly duties lately, and he felt the need for a little cat nap. He had only intended on resting his eyes for a few moments, but by the time he had woken up, he wasn't exactly sure how long he had slept, feeling completely disoriented. At least he didn't have any classes this afternoon tat he'd be late to.
But Ansley was feeling a little on the hungry side and got up to maybe see about heading down to the kitchens for a little snack. Opening the door, he was slightly surprised to see a student sitting in his waiting area. "Oh.. Miss Valentine.. hello." He gave her a friendly smile. "Did you need to speak with me?" Had he slept through her knocking on his office door? Or maybe it somehow subconsciously woke him. Hopefully she hadn't been waiting too long. "Hi Professor Finch!" Kitty greeted the tired looking professor with a smile, sitting up straight in her chair. "Remember in Muggle Studies, when you asked to hear some of grandfather's portraits stories? I asked if you wanted to hear one of them and you said yes, but then the activity began and I didn't get to tell any of them." She felt guilty about not coming sooner, and she hoped he remembered and was still interested. "So after class I wrote to my mom and she sent me an old newspaper that he wrote at the time of the goblin rebellion. It's one of the stories his portrait tells the most." She held up the newspaper in her hand. "If you are still interested I could let you borrow this and answer questions about my grandfather. If you're not busy or anything." She didn't want to annoy him if he was busy with other things.
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 02-08-2016 at 12:59 AM.