Mischievous Niffler Kitty was in a dark mood. Her mother had ordered her to join the dueling club against her wishes, and ever since she had been dreading this day. Just reading the permission slip that her mother had to sign was enough to give Kitty nightmares of getting crippled, maimed, or mortally embarrassed. It was not that she was a coward, it was just that she was naturally shy and not very strong - activities like in front of large crowds terrified her. It was the same reason why she never played Quidditch. The only difference in her mind between Dueling and Quidditch was that she didn't understand the rules of Dueling.
And now the day she had been dreading was upon her. Kitty walked in to the classroom, feeling lonely and on the verge of panic. Everyone else was excited. They probably would be very good at this. Her newest friend Mason was here, as was Rachel and her Muggle Studies partner Ariadne. Great. Now they would get to see her embarrass herself in front of everyone. Haddie wasn't here yet, but Kitty was sure she would be coming soon. "Hello Professor Hirsh. Hi Professor Airey." Kitty tried to smile but found she couldn't. She wanted to tell them that she didn't understand the rules very well, and that she didn't want to be there. But if she didn't participate and her mom found out she would be furious. So she said nothing more and instead went to join her fellow students.
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 02-07-2016 at 12:34 AM.