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Old 02-06-2016, 06:08 PM
hermionesclone hermionesclone is offline
Default Dueling Club Meeting One

A classroom wasn't the best place to hold a meeting, even if he had gotten rid of the usual desks and chairs there so, Hirsch had set up a small meeting place in the Arena itself. This was about dueling, after all. It made next to no sense to hold something like this in the classroom in the first place.

So, the man had arranged an array of cushions and mats on the floor of the middle of the arena in between two of the raised platforms. The room itself had a weak winter sunlight streaming in through the high windows and a heating charm in place, in case the cold was starting to get to anyone.

And Hirsch? Hirsch was leaning against one of the platforms, casting casual glances at his watch every now and then. His expression was neutral, maybe somewhat giddy if you looked closely, but something he wasn't about to show was any signs of nervousness.

So come in, pick a seat on the cushions, mats, floor or even the platform itself and wait for the first Dueling Club meeting to begin!

OOC: Please make sure to adhere to the Dueling Club Rules, Hirsch's rules as well as the SS site rules. I'll post again tomorrow in the afternoon GMT ^^

Please remember that ONLY those of you who've signed up for the club can post in here.