Mason beamed at the older girl.
"You think so?" she couldn't really see how she was dancing, but she had assumed that it wasn't all that good. Well Hady was saying that it was good, and that was all that mattered right now.
Mason nodded and gave Hady a massive grin, happy that she knew the move,
"That would be fantastic!" she frowned at the grass and kicked a tuft of it free,
"Oh yeah, I can imagine that it would be silly. Probably won't be able to shuffle as good on the grass."
Mason stared at Hady's feet as she explained the moves. She nodded her head and moved her feet so that they were pointing in the opposite directions.
"Like this?"
Mason tried putting the weight onto her toes and heels as Hady had done. Hers looked a lot less graceful compared to Hady's, but this was the first time she had ever been taught a dance, so she hadn't been expecting a miracle.
Mason looked down at her feet and shifted the position of them, so that they were they were in the same position as before, only this time the opposite foot carried the weight of the first move.
Mason let out a deep breath.
That didn't seem so hard, but this was only the beginning.