SPOILER!!: Azura!
Azura nodded slowly as Elsa spoke, "That would be the one to use if someone was choking." EEk! Choking on a chicken bone sounded awful! She hoped Elsa's dad was all right!
She grinned at the other girl, "YAY! We can be blue buddies, and don't worry, my eyes would say that purple is my favorite color, and while I like it.. It's not my favorite.. cause blue it." She remembered having the color conversation with Jazz on the train.. Oh Jazz, she missed her best friend.
"My mom was in Ravenclaw and my Dad was a Gryffindor, they didn't know each other here at Hogwarts though, they met when my mom became a Healer." Azura explained. "Isn't it funny, they were in the same year and everything! Azura didn't even know how they didn't even know each other. but.."My aunt Andi was a Ravvie as well, so.. I think I ended up in the right house." Though she tried not to shriek as Elsa said that the snakes might be out and about..
"Fwoopers I hope not!" She said as she quickly looked around.
"Oh he's fine, don't worry" she said, reassuring Azura after seeing concern in her face
"He coughed it all out and my mum gave him some fire whisky to help with the sore throat" she shrugged the event out. Her father had been through worse.
Elsa grinned back
"Blue BUDDIES!!" she did a little hyper dance, almost tripping over her feed, circling around Azura, making up lyrics as she went by "
I like blue, you like it too, we should brew some stewwwwwwww" she ended in a somewhat ridiculous artistic pose, laughing.
Still panting she listened to Azura's family history with a honest smile.
"That's cool! My mum only has brothers, I have 3 of them, 2 older than my mum, another one younger and they were all in Gryffindor, so my mum was sort of the black" or is it green in this case? "sheep for a while. My grandma never believed in that sort of thing, Slythering being bad and all, so she kept jinxing their tongues whenever they messed with my mum." she giggled.
There had been one particular funny episode that she could remember when she was around 4years old. Merlin she missed her grandma.
"My dad's Muggle, I've said that already haven't I? Well, he owns a bookstore, and couldn't care less what house I was sorted. He's a bit of a skeptical one, he even had a really hard time believing my mum when she revealed what she was to him.."
Yep. Any harder and Elsa was sure she wouldn't have been born. After all, he wasn't even religious, and her mother started talking about witches and wizards, magic wood-pieces, as he referred to them, and whatnot. Nearly gave the man a heart attack. After the big revelation they stayed apart for nearly 2 years. If it wasn't for the fact that he was already madly in love with her mother, she was sure she would never see him again after that. But he came back.