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Art let out a chuckle, nodding his head some more. “Well, er… feel free to come and use the student labs here. You’re… you’re more than welcome to uhh, to try out some ideas and experiment a little.” Art was all for students doing this. Small explosions, and mess was nothing he was afraid of.
“A wolf! Great Scott, that would have been quite an experience.” His mind wandered into thinking about what he might have turned into. “Oh! Are-are you quite talented in Defence against the Dark Arts?” he asked. It had taken Art a long time to be able to cast his patronus. Well after he had actually graduated from Hogwarts. Art listened intently as Austin spoke about his experiences during his time as a wolf. It sounded marvellous. He smiled at the thought of being a parrot, and flying, and nodded when Austin said it would have been nice to try and fly. He could agree with the young man on that. “Ohhh I-I’d like to be a rat.” He smiled. “It would be very interesting to see what Madame Curie’s life as a rat is like."
"I'd love to try some new recipes out." He'd have to look for new recipes, but that shouldn't be too hard. There was a definite need to try out harder ones.
"Do you know of any intricate, or complicated recipes that I could try?" He wasn't expecting Restricted Section level potions. But something that was a bit more of a challenge would be great. Maybe in a few months, he would be able to access the Restricted Section.
Baby steps Austin... Baby steps. "Honestly I'm not all that great with DADA, and it did take me a while to get the spell down. But once I did it came as a surprise." He let out a chuckle.
"Honestly I would prefer to be behind a cauldron than in front of a dummy." His first class of DADA was a great example of that. Hopefully he'll get better at it.
Austin pondered for a few minutes.
"I think a rat would be quite interesting. I'm quite tall, so it would be nice to see things from a different perspective." He was so used to seeing things from an aerial point of view. It would be nice to see things from the ground. Get a different view of the world. Maybe even find hiding spots he'd never been able to find before.