Antipodean Opaleye
Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: making playlists
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Maggie Woods Gryffindor Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Levi Jourdan Slytherin Sixth Year x4 x2
| PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯  ✯✯✯✯✯✯✯ ✯SURI RIDER-MAE✯ Slytherin___
✯BASICS✯ ___Full Name :: Serena Elle Rider-Mae ___Nicknames :: Suri, Rena ___Date of Birth :: August 28th, 2076 ___Place of Birth :: London, England ___Current hometown :: London, England ✯MAGICAL✯ ___Heritage :: Half and half ___Hogwarts House :: Slytherin ___Wand :: 11½ Hawthorn, Demiguise hair core, brittle ___Boggart :: Unknown. ___Patronus :: Unknown. ___Amorentia :: Unknown.
✯APPEARANCE✯ ___Complexion :: Caucasian ___Eye colour :: Green-Blue ___Hair :: Dark brown, wavy ___Height :: 1.52m (and growing) ___Extra :: "BLAIR WALDORF, from the old muggle TV show Gossip Girl, is my style icon." ✯FAMILY✯ ___Mother :: Rachel Rider-Mae ___Stepfather :: Bernard Rider-Mae ___Brother :: Benzi Rider ___Step Sister :: Oriana “Ozzie” Rider-Mae ___Biological parents :: Jacob & Nina Rider (deceased) ___Biological siblings :: Lucas Rider, Alice Rider (deceased) ___Extended family :: Super duper long story. Here.
✯PERSONALITY✯ ___Hypocritical. Possessive. Proud. Excitable. Curious. Determined. ___Generally likable. Occasionally unbearable. Self-conscious. Budding manipulator. ___Bright smile. Sometimes sad. Likes the quiet. Friendly. Accepting. ___Clever. Uninspired. Good worth ethics. Lacks motivation for schoolwork. Drives her mother up the wall. ✯BACKGROUND✯ Text Cut: The Early Years The third child of Jacob and Nina Rider, Suri was a wild and carefree toddler with a knack for mischief. She showed her first sign of magic when she was almost three, making a cookie disappear from her sister's hand and reappear in her in her own. During the winter of 2081, when she was just four and a half years old, tragedy struck and her entire family were involved in a car accident on their way back from a celebration, all of them dead onsite. Suri had been sick at the time, staying with her Aunt Rachel, and still remembers the moment the muggle police knocked on the door and the awful sound Rachel made when they told them.
She was adopted by Rachel and moved in with her and Benzi, her cousin but like a brother to her. It was hard for a very long time. She stopped doing magic and cried constantly, at first from the deep longing for her departed family and then from the horror of the realisation that she was starting to forget them. Suri had been a nickname her father had given her, and it took four years for her to ask her mother to start calling her by it again.
By the time her eighth birthday rolled around, Suri had regained her happiness and her enthusiastic disposition. She and her best friend at the time - Valentine Hemingway, who unfortunately goes to Beauxbatons - were constantly running around and giving their parents a migraine. When Benzi returned to Hogwarts for his sixth year, it suddenly became everything she could think about. She spent long hours taking to Cleo - her kneazle, walking diary and practically her other half - about the castle, mostly returning to one topic over and over again, which house she would be sorted into. After all, both Mum and Benzi were Ravenclaws to the core.
Deciding she'd just wait and see, Suri spent the remainder of her time doing as little muggle homework as she could, excelling at her ballet class and constantly stealing her mother’s wand. That is, until one day she picked it up and it shot freezing cold water directly at her face. The ten year old stopped stealing it after that.
With Benzi’s return for the summer holidays, Suri’s excitement only grew as she went out her bought her school supplies to get ready for her first term. At Diagon Alley she also met a few future classmates, one Blaise Bellaire who (with a little encouraging) gifted her with a green quick quotes quill, and Daxton Prince who would continue to be one of her best friends.
✯HOGWARTS✯ ___First Year :: Spells are hard. Slytherin! Friends are important. Text Cut: Expanded Suri's first year at Hogwars was anything but boring. The wand she's purchased at Ollivander's proved to be a difficult one to master, and she never really did manage any proper spellwork her entire first year. Benzi, on his final year at Hogwarts, had forced her to learn coached her and helped her as much as he could. She passed most of her theory exams but failed at the practical parts. She hopes second year she'll have more luck.
The first Rider to ever be sorted into Slytherin (as far as they know) Suri reveled in being different and took to her house immediately. She became fast friends with her house mates, although she made sure to spend her time equally between all of her good friends, namely Noah Diggory, Marsha Hanover and the one bestest best friend, Daxton Prince (who once braided her hair and drew her face and taught her how to look at things to be able to sketch well and for whom she learned sign language and Daxton Prince is the best person in the entire school she'll fight you on this). Other good friends of hers include Vincent Krum, all of Benzi's friends and Charlotte Kettleburn whom she knew for a few years prior to Hogwarts. In addition to her brother's social circle (comprised of mainly sixth and seventh years from all houses), Suri grew fond of two particular upperclassmen in her house, Maggie Traulton for her ballet lessons and ridiculously pretty hair, and Dante Barrington because he was funny and really nice to her.
Suri discovered that even at Hogwarts, schoolwork really isn't all that interesting and for the most part she'd rather avoid it. The library is one of the last places she could be found in, choosing instead to spend her time either out on the grounds when it's warm enough, in her common room (her favourite spot in the castle) or around food (kitchens or Great Hall, she's not picky).
Over the summer holidays, Suri was forced by her mother to do a lot of extra reading regarding wandlore and how to master one's wand, in order to help her during second year to finally manage proper spellwork. In addition to that, her mother married Bernard Mae and she officially changed her name from Suri Rider to Suri Rider-Mae. ___Second Year :: tbd.
✯EXTRAS✯ ___Some favourites :: _________Colour :: purple _________Animal :: kneazle _________Ice cream :: strawberry-butterbeer _________Item of clothing :: skirts _________Accessory :: headbands! _________Subjects :: Potions, Herbology ___Hobbies :: baking, Quidditch (chaser or keeper), poking fun at others, sketching (badly), writing (keeps a diary). ___Languages :: English, (allegedly) kneazle-speak, improving BSL ___Smells like :: citrus, grass (in the summer), firewood (in the winter) ___Pets :: a kneazle named Cleopatra and a crup at home named Apollo (Polly) ___Is fond of stealing Benzi's guitar and mucking around on it. Is currently no good. Will probably continue to be no good until she grows bored of it, as she does of most things.
Model: Mackenzie Foy
Image: Kita
Bio Coding: Jeremie
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end
Last edited by Daemon; 02-04-2016 at 10:35 AM.