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Despite having traveled with a portkey a couple of times before, Yoongi was still not used to the sensation. The worst part was falling from the sky, THE HEIGHT. But despite his fear, he had let go of the portkey and gracefully landed down on the ground without falling down.
Lunch at their sleeping destination had being okayish. He prefered the food at Hogwarts to be honest and after putting his stuff in his room he followed the others outside. The first thing the Head Boy did was open up his small bag and pulled out a tube of handcream. He rubbed his hands with it and then put it back in his bag. Next he checked if his badge was still pinned to his muggle clothes before looking around.Now, where to go to first? You know what? He was just going to start walking and see where he ended up.
And so he march to a random direction which happened to be towards Bathilda Bagshot's home.
It was her first experience to traveled with portkey. She felt like she almost lost her senses. Fortunately She didn`t puke at her first time.She`d rather falling hard on the ground like now than do another foolish action.
After realized her surrounding Jessie stand up and trying to smooth and clean her jeans from the dirt.
Then what next?
Jessie should looking for partner or she will get lost.Her biggest weakness is getting lost easily. Considering her petite body and clumsiness.
Then she found another student around her.And she caught a badge in his muggle clothes.
Smiling to herself, Jessie tried to caught his attention.
"Hi... Excuse me. Would you accompany me here? I don`t want to getting lost here..."