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Expecto-Penguin Colt snorted, "He could be easy going if he wants to, on the other hand he could be a real hard head from being in the Navy. I think he just accepted the fact I have magic in my blood because his sister was a witch. He probably hoped that I would be normal but deep down he knew I would inherit the magical trait. I am pretty sure he will use my magic to my advantage or make me do many muggle things as possible." He will see when he goes home for Christmas. "Your parents aren't that easy going I assume?"
Aaah so her family was reversed compared to his. "Your mother never told you what she does?" He was amazed. "I mean in my position I would nag my mom till she told me what she does." She might get annoyed but at least he would know she wasn't living another secret life or something. "Ah so your dad is kind of involved with the news network. So we could see him on the television and stuff?" He began to shade again and finish his artwork.
How did his mother pull off the starry night artwork. He pursed his lips and began to think. How did she pull it off? He shrugged and said, "I guess she was just painting my room when I was a baby and when I was in nursery school. I guess she needed something to do when she was bored and release her stress and energy from having me. I was a real pain in the butt child you know." he teased but was kind of telling the truth. Once he was finished with his artwork and left it open because he was proud of it, he was curious and asked, "Do you have any hobbies or talents? I mean you see I can draw.."
Amur's nose crinkled at Colt's family description.
"There's no fun in normallcy." Or at least, there was much less. It seemed a blessing in disguise that her father never expected let alone wanted a normal life or family. The sentiment gave her permission to be a bit of an odd-ball if she so chose. Not that her grandparents were always fond of such a matter.....
"Dunno. My mom didn't stick around for very long. The magic kind of threw her for a loop and .... she didn't take it too well. My dad is off pursuing his latest and greatest..." Interest?
"....Story." Was that easy going? She wasn't sure. She hadn't really thought about it before. A grin took over.
"My grandparents are cool though."
Cool as in the way that only seventy-plus year old people could be. Strict as a stick, but with some bending capability.
Her head titled to the side, and a shrug followed.
"My dad's work was always more interesting I guess. My mom....dunno. Never really elaborated." And Amur couldn't say that she cared much. Her mom did whatever she did, and survived however she did. Wasn't really something the fourteen year old could concern herself with.
Though, her father was a different story. Her mouth twisted up in a half-smile, half-frown.
"Unlikely you would see or read anything from my father. He's....a bit of an acquired taste and not a big name or anything."
The starry wall was, in her opinion, more interesting and distracting than her parents careers.
"Sooooo....she used muggle means to do it then? Or did she pain it and then do some magic-work over it to get the star effect?" Because she knew exactly what and
who she could use such valuable information on. Come come Colt, do share.
Her head tilted the other way. Talents or hobbies?
".......I can make dragons from pretty much anything." That was both a talent and a hobby, right? It was, one of the only spells she felt she had mastered thus far.
"And I've been told I'm a pebble in a shoe." Unfortunately it didn't sound quite as nice as a ripple in a pond.