Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Hirsch was starting to like how this kid answered. He was even half-smiling, half-smirking to prove it, showing his pride in that one facial expression. "Knowledge really is power. And you're right, you have to know everything there is to know about whatever it is you're up against. Sometimes it's unexpected and you'll be faced with something completely new but, at the end of the day, every human being has some key weaknesses, no matter how big or small they are. Excellent thinking." And if it was something else, well......... they'd get to that.
Not the most welcoming colour? Roderik burst out laughing at that statement, even tilting his head back as he did so. "You can say that you hate it, I don't mind." But did this mean that he wanted to change the colour scheme? Hmm?
Oh, this was getting good. It was getting intense, even. "I'd teach what I can but if someone," He paused for dramatic effect. "wanted to know a bit extra in the name of defence, who am I to say no?" Was that answer satisfying? Now that was an excellent answer. Dante grinned and nodded seeing as the Professor agreed with him. Professor Hirsch basically said it as perfect as Dante could ever imagine saying it so all he said was "Exactly Professor, every human has something they fear or something that holds them back whether for good or bad."
Dante's fear was lethifolds even though he never met one and probably wouldn't in the future. But still he was afraid of them. So it was a good idea he should try and learn the patronus charm instead of finding out all he could on animagi. Both he kind of wanted to peruse.
Dante did not hate the color but the Professor had a good laugh. He just thought it did not go well with the room or any room for that matter. He already thought of the exceptions before. "I don't hate it, i just have a strong dislike of orange in any furniture. Maybe blue would be better" It was just a suggestion. He did not have to take it. But blue would look better.
AND Dante was soo happy in his head right now. He had a big smile on his face. He looked like a kid in the candy store. He tried to hide it but no use. He had gotten the answer he was looking for since he began the talk. "That is appreciated and i will definitely have to take you up on that offer." Though he would of course have to tell Hirsch what he wanted to research and well knew that lying would get no where. He would need time to work on an answer. Because he really did want to know a bit extra in the name of defense. Yep in the name of defense and knowledge. |