DMAC & DMC Billywig
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
| Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Overwhelmed was another emotion Paul thought was perfectly normal to feel, especially someone of Illa's age. Teenagers. The whole time was overwhelming, to be honest, but it wasn't a miserable time...it was what one made of it, according to Paul.
Paul was under no authority to criticize how parents raised their children, but Illa's words made the man purse his lips. "I see. Well. I know lots of ladies who cry...more than those times, I assure you," he said gently. "My mother--Merlin--she cries all the time!" It was where Paul got his sensitivity from, for sure. "She was a Hufflepuff..." his dear, dear mother. The Mrs. Myers. "Granted, my mother is not a very fancy lady..." which is what Milton thought Illa's family seemed like...fancy people. Sort of like Milton's family....
And the more he listened to Illa's story, the more he thought Milton's situation was very paralleled to it. Hmph. Paul took it all in, his lips pursed even more so now. Arranged marriage. Pfffft. He knew how he felt about those. But as her professor...again, he needed to be objective. "Well..I think we both know what you need to do, m'dear. Lying can only get you so far...and..." he cleared his throat. "You're dating Henric, right?" he usually kept up with the Hogwarts' couples. "I think...if you value Henric...you...your mother should probably know." he sighed a little and kicked his feet, since they were hanging down from the bridge. "It's always hard." He glanced over at her for a second. "it's always hard telling a parent you don't...want to marry who they think you should." He wouldn't indulge his entire story, but... "I have experience in that area, m'dear. And eventually...even if it's a blowout right now, or she gets mad at you right now..things will be better. How old are you?" he asked curiously. "Sixteen? Seventeen?" The professor spoke and what he said surprised her a little. Hmm....who knew that there were actually somewhat sane adults? It was normal to cry sometimes, besides at funerals right? His mother cried a lot....that was...awful wasn't it? Oh, she was a Hufflepuff....well, given the amount of Hufflepuffs that she had met since she had moved to Britain.......she did think it was a strong indicator of an emotional person. After all, her best friend was one.....and she was dating one. Fancy? What did 'fancy' have to do with anything? "A lady is a lady not by birth, but by her virtue. How she presents herself and the nobility of actions, not her blood, make her what she is." 'Fancy' or snooty, rich or high born, none of that mattered to her. "It is considered a hallmark of the highborn, expected of those with rank to be a lady but it is not always so. Yet, some considered low born or simple can be the noblest and kindest of true ladies." Yes, some people in her family weren't total jerks.....
She knew what she 'needed' to do yes....it was just....doing it. She wasn't technically lying....she just....wasn't telling her mother. What he asked next though, made her cheeks blush. Eeep. "D-do.....we....make it that obvious?" She didn't hold his hand in Herbology even! Or...any other class for that matter.....except comforting him in Muggle Studies. He was right but.....he didn't know her mother. He had experience in this???? Things would get better, mmmm probably not. He should seriously see some of the things that happened with her family, then he would understand her concern. "I know that, she should know but.....she will probably pull me out of Hogwarts once she knows and I would at least like to finish my term here." Despite the crazy things, having been spider napped and every other bizarre instance that happened at this looney bin.......she wanted to stay with Henric. Having Candice around was nice too.
Well he had her age right too, she was not being an overdramatic teen though okay? "I'll be seventeen at the end of spring." She wasn't going to ask how old he was, despite her curiosity. |