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Old 01-31-2016, 12:48 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles View Post
Okay, so maybe hugging Torie might not have been a good idea, but as he hugged her back, Azura nearly melted into him and leaned her head on his chest.. She was safe! The creepy doll couldn't get to her now. What was it with him saving her? She looked up at him, her purple eyes wide with fright, "Hi Torie." She whispered up to him.

"I'm okay, I'm not hurt." For once.. which was surprising.

"There is this doll.. a really creepy doll that was my dorm mates, but it disappeared a month ago, and I just saw it in the library for a few moments, and then it disappeared.." She shuddered as she looked up at him.. "A friend of mine saw it too.. but it's soo creepy.. I HATE dolls." She whispered softly as she bit her lip and looked around..
He held her, unsure what was wrong or why she was so scared but it was obvious she was. Was it awkward? Eh, it didn't bother him honestly, he had sisters, there was nothing wrong with hugging a girl. Though his best friend Chris sure seemed to find it enjoyable but he didn't have any siblings then again either. Not yet anyway...

"Good!" he said beaming at her. She was definitely accident prone he'd discovered but hey she wasn't hurt.

His eye brows lifted at her words and blinked at her "Creepy doll?" he asked curiously. "Have you mentioned this doll to any professors?" Maybe they would have ideas about where this doll had come from or even what it was for? "You sure it wasn't Peeves playing a trick?" Yeah he didn't much like dolls either, "I don't either honestly, I mean their eyes are all weird."