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Old 01-29-2016, 09:11 PM   #43 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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SPOILER!!: Hady-the-Pady-wan

Hady must just be one of those that enjoyed the cold weather. The slight breeze was refreshing and cleared her head. Just one reason why she hadn't cast a heating charm on herself...yet.

"Maybe we should've meet inside," Hady laughed quietly. Oh well. They both were already out here and with the warming charm now in place on her younger fellow snake they could get started. "No problem. I can even teach that to you later so you can do it on your own." It was a good one to know and tended to come in handy often. Set her on fire? Laughing she shook her head, "Nah I haven't set anyone on fire yet." Just parchment and other things.

Slipping her wand back into its holster and looking over the girl in front of her she nodded. "True but sometimes music helps. Keeping in time with the beat and all that." It did for her anyhow. "Alright so just something really simple to start. Is there anything you want to learn? Or show me what you know so I can see where to start?"

Mason bit her lip and thought about what little she knew about dancing, "Ummm, I know the Dip & Step."

It was a simple move really, even Mason, who had two left feet and danced like a person having an epileptic attack, could do it without looking like a complete idiot.

She bent her knees inward and slouched, she dipped down and jumped out of the position. She did a jiggle and then stepped. That was basically the only thing she knew.

"How was that?"
she asked the older girl.

There has always been something that Mason had wanted to learn to do," There is one thing. . . The James Brown Shuffle, I believe it's called." she told Hady, "Do you know it?"

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