Mason shook her head,
"I'm pure-blooded, remember?" she said,
"Why would I eat something that even an always-hungry-teenage-boy wouldn't put in his mouth? I have some morals."
Mason smirked,
"Why haven't I met her yet? Keeping your family away from me, Winchester?" she asked,
"Afraid that I'll embarrass you?"
She was joking, of course. Why would Colt introduce her to his family. It wasn't like she was anyone special to him.
Mason almost gagged,
"It's a figure of speech! GROSS DUDE!" she said and bit her lip,
"Well how am I supposed to know that? My parents never taught me stuff like that." "Masterpieces," she said playfully,
"Da Vince would have been ashamed at how his work looks compared to yours."
Mason scrunched up her nose,
"Stickmen, really horrible looking stickmen."