~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Haddieee! <333 Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie Haddie grinned as she drowned her glittery eggs, sausage and bacon in several types of syrup. Then she cover it all in hash browns. YUM! "I think my little Rachel is all growed up!" She grinned wider and dug into her breakfast. Sooo good! "I'm impressed."
She ate in silence for a moment. Oh!" she wasn't about to mention the thing that happened last night. It was last night. "Did I tell you I'm going to get Kira all prettified and glamorous?" she asked between bites. "I want to do little silver eagles that spiral around the base and then slowly turn into silver and gold spiral that ends with a little bubble burst." She took another bite of her breakfast monstrosity and washed it down with a gulp of pumpkin juice. "It was the first bit of magic we did together."
Rachel shook her head at Haddie. Her friend had such a huge appetite. "I'm glad you approve. I sure learnt a lot from the best.'' She giggled as she brushed some glitter off of her plate. Those were definitely not edible.
She chewed on her food, occasionally wiping more glitter from her plate. That is, until Haddie exclaimed aloud, seemingly remembering something important. The talk had turned to Kira. "Yes, you mentioned it a few months ago but not the design.'' Rachel listened with interest as Haddie explained what she had in mind and couldn't help but smile when she was done. "That sounds perfect, Haddie.'' She paused to take a sip of her own pumpkin juice. "I love how you incorporated something we did together. I should let you know that I give you the honour of naming my wand.'' There was no one else who deserved this. Garreth had named her puppy and it would be nice to now have her other best friend name something of hers. |