Hi, we live! *pets Jacen* elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿ Lucky James was there and moving again or Moxley would've had herself a nice nap during the chaos and while she LOVED some good old fashioned shut-eye, she had things to do. LOTS of things. Like notifying the authorities about the woman who'd just attempted to EAT a child on her watch. Had she mentioned she was never going to live this down?
The moment Draper's spell hit her, the brunette blinked her eyes open and sat up a little too quickly. Whooooa there, dizziness! It took her a moment to realize what had happened and that was enough to note who was there still, and who wasn't. Where had the hag gone? Where was she now? Would she return? Moxley had questions but no answers and a very concerned little Ravenclaw to deal with. "I'm okay. It's okay." She attempted a smile and patted the boy's arm as her eyes traveled to Julien, who'd joined them at some point. She was thankful to have the added help. "Why don't you head back to the castle, Jacen? I think it's best we all get inside." See? She wasn't mad and she was okay. Even on her feet. Almost on her feet. Hoisting herself up, the headmistress dusted off her clothes and glanced towards the forest and then back to her colleagues. "Never a dull moment." And she clearly was not happy about it this time. "Please, kids, inside now." Some seemed to be moving in that direction already, which she was thankful for, but the stragglers needed to try and get a move on.
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