SPOILER!!: Professor Flamsteed, Rachel and Spencer!
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Not rooting for anyone in particular? Well, that meant only ONE thing. Miss Watson was utilizing that eagle vision to observe her house's competitors and look for any cracks in their foundations. It was rather obvious, although the professor kept his expression neutral and - dare he say it? - even appreciative.
Hey, she wasn't rooting against Gryffindor and that was something, after all.
But he was being gifted a rose, which only reminded him of a certain someone's birthday being just around the corner and that he needed to get himself organized to execute his plans. "Oh, uh, thank you, Miss Watson," he replied with an appreciative bow of the head. "Practice?" Or....why was he being offered a flower?
He accepted it regardless.
"Yes, did you make that yourself?" he inquired of Mr. Criswell. "It is very impressive. Have you thought about using a charm to animate the lion to roar?" Hint hint.
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Rachel turned her attention back to the game for a moment. The Snakes seemed to be in control up until that point when Gryffindor gained momentum. She applauded excitedly for both teams and for the effort and competition they were putting up. "Your students are excellent players, Professor Flamsteed,'' she observed.
The Eagle smiled. "A little of both. I think your suit will be complete with it if you just magic it onto shirt's front.'' Or if he preferred to keep it in a jar of water. Flowers were a beautiful thing.
Her eyes shifted to Spencer and his banner. Surely the banner would boost they Gryffindor team's confidence if they saw it. However, at this rate, it seemed Ravenclaw would be playing Slytherin in the final match.
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Savannah Granger
Spencer was excited for the Gobstones game, went all out for the game, he was wearing his red Gryffindor shirt with his blue jeans and red converses that he painted a yellow lion. He also had his
banner that he told Professor Flamsteed that he'll make for this occasion. Looking at Professor Flamsteed he smiled.
"Hello Professor, great day for a game of Gobstones don't you think? "asked Spencer. He turned to Rachel and smiled at her.
"Fancy seeing you again Rachel, who are you cheering for? "Spencer asked her.
Yay, Gobstones!
Carl loved this game. Although Hufflepuff had lost in the previous match, he had enjoyed it greatly and was willing to watch and improve for his next one. However, he was a bit late in arriving and it appeared that the match was almost over. Ugh.
Seeing a group of supporters, Carl smiled and took a seat next to Professor Flamsteed. "Hello, Professor. And hi, I am Carl." He said to the boy he did not know. It was obvious that he was a Lion, with the beautiful banner and all. Thumbs up for great House spirit! "Rachel! I never got a chance to congratulate you on Player of the Match. Good job!" He grinned at his friend. With that, he turned his attention to the match. Was Slytherin winning? Gryffindor seemed to be catching up in the final round, though.
So much excitement!