doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo If it’d make Yoongi feel any better, James didn’t like most people. Nothing personal, kid. It just happens.
…… Um.
The Professor had only meant to pull at some strings. Y’know, get the kid to think. But apparently he had struck a chord. And the boy was having a full on meltdown. Wonderful. Exactly what he needed. A crying child. The Head Boy, no less. He wasn’t going to start crying… Was he? Because James could handle dragons, but crying almost-adults. Uh. No thank you.
….. Right.
He had stopped paying attention about half way through the Head Boy’s speech, but he was certain it ended the same way it started. Man, James had forgotten what it was like to be a kid. Though, it sounded like Yoongi was having a very different Hogwarts experience than that of his own. Boy just needed to loosen up a little. Drink some firewhiskey, turn his homework in a day late, relax. Though, James wasn’t about to advocate this kind of behavior. Just, y’know lowkey. Youngi needed to get out more. ”Whoa, relax kid,” for the love of Circe. ”I didn’t say you don’t deserve it. I’m sure you must’ve done something right to have gotten the badge.” Eh, doubtful. But the kid didn’t know that. [b]”Clearly whoever gave you this position thinks you can handle all that comes along with it,”[b/] referring to the endless whining a few seconds ago. ”Whining will get you no where.” James was a man of the truth. The sometimes cold, hard truth. ”Action will.” And that’s how you proved you deserved it.
And y’know, just because he was feeling generous he would pretend like he hadn’t seen that eye roll. One free pass. He could consider it his get out of jail free card. Wouldn’t happen again, James was normally ruthless. Anyways, the important task at hand while he had the head boy around was figuring out this cat nonsense. ”I found a cat collar in the corridor the other day, and I want to return it to it’s owner.” Not exactly the truth… Actually, not remotely the truth… But Yoongi didn’t need to know that. ”I need some names,” Come on Head Boy, prove yourself useful.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |