Thread: Book Labyrinth
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Old 01-27-2016, 02:46 PM   #12 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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SPOILER!!: KittyKitty KittyKittyKitty
Mason's reaction to the story was even better than Kitty had hoped for. She was just as excited as she was! It looked like Kitty had found a new partner to help solve this mystery with her.

"I know, right?" Kitty spoke in an excited whisper. "There must have been a passageway behind the Tapestry in the past, but after all that stuff happened they sealed it off. Who knows what's in that secret passageway? If they sealed it off, does that mean that whatever evil creature or person that caused it is still there? After all, why would they need to seal it off if they caught him and everything was safe?" Kitty's mind was working overtime with possibilities.

"You know what?" An idea had just hit her. "What if the reason I can't find any books on the subject is because the teachers are keeping it a secret from us? When I was in detention with Professor Kitridge (he's my head of house and the librarian) I mentioned the Tapestry, but he didn't say whether he knew what caused it or not. Then I asked one of the portraits in History of Magic and he didn't know either." And don't even mention when she had gone to ask the Hag, and the Hag had threatened to EAT her. "What if the book is the restricted section?"

Mason's eyes widened even more, "What if it's like that time when Slytherin's Basilisk petrified people?" she asked the older girl in a excited whisper, "Or do you thinks it's a ghost? Damn, then we really need to find that book on how to kill those bloody gits."

Honestly, Mason was hoping for the first. She had had enough of ghosts for a lifetime, and the Baron would probably go on rat on them if he found them murdering one of his fellow deceased old people.

Mason frowned, "That makes sense. . . why would you block something if it was safe?" she said and shrugged, "Imagine what it is if even the teacher want to keep it hidden. They already hired a disgusting old hag, what would stop them from keeping a dragon or something locked behind a tapestry?"

Mason felt a gin spread across her face, "I was just about to say that!" she whispered and jumped up and down, "And I have the perfect plan on how to get in there. Were going to have to break in."

Well Mason's 'staying out of trouble streak' lasted two days, a new record really. But this was worth it.
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