Mason's eyes widened even more,
"What if it's like that time when Slytherin's Basilisk petrified people?" she asked the older girl in a excited whisper,
"Or do you thinks it's a ghost? Damn, then we really need to find that book on how to kill those bloody gits."
Honestly, Mason was hoping for the first. She had had enough of ghosts for a lifetime, and the Baron would probably go on rat on them if he found them murdering one of his fellow deceased old people.
Mason frowned,
"That makes sense. . . why would you block something if it was safe?" she said and shrugged,
"Imagine what it is if even the teacher want to keep it hidden. They already hired a disgusting old hag, what would stop them from keeping a dragon or something locked behind a tapestry?"
Mason felt a gin spread across her face,
"I was just about to say that!" she whispered and jumped up and down,
"And I have the perfect plan on how to get in there. Were going to have to break in."
Well Mason's 'staying out of trouble streak' lasted two days, a new record really. But this was worth it.