Thread: Book Labyrinth
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Old 01-26-2016, 04:52 PM   #10 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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SPOILER!!: Kitty
"Oh..." Kitty blinked, feeling embarrassed of how distracted she had been. "Hello! I'm Kitty Darkness Valentine, but you can call me Kitty for short. It's nice to meet you Mason."She took Mason's hand and shook it.

"I'm looking for information on the Tapestry on the fourth floor corridor. It's a mystery I've been trying to solve for a week now." She dug in her robes and pulled out three newspaper sheets and showed them to Mason.

"I found these inside Hogwarts a History, someone put them there for a book mark. They are from the school news paper and were about stuff that happened a long time ago. In the newspaper it said that three professor's were injured and had to be carried off to the Hospital Wing because of some 'mysterious force' coming from behind the Tapestry. They were okay, but then later one of the students owls was injured and the Care of Magical Creatures guy was almost killed by a red beam of light when he took his class out to look for Mooncalves! Headmistress Loryen said she knew what the attackers wanted, but she couldn't tell anyone!"

"I couldn't find any more information about it, so I came here."She sighed. "So far nothing."

"What were you looking for here? Maybe I can help."

That was a rather odd name, but hell, so was Mason.

What other name would suit this girl? It seemed that the name was perfect for her personality. "Of course it is." she said and smiled.

Her eyes almost bulged out of her head, "WHAT?!!" she exclaimed, she leaned closer to Kitty and whispered, "Are you serious? That sounds awesome! Well not the whole attacking thing, but the other stuff! From behind the Tapestry you say?"

She scanned the newspaper articles that and turned back to Kitty, "You found these in A History?" she asked the girl, "Why would somebody leave something like this in a book?"

"Forget my books!" Mason said, "I was trying to find a spell to kill a ghost or something. But this is way more interesting!"
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