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Old 01-26-2016, 12:51 PM   #94 (permalink)

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Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post

Oh noooooo. She was REALLY crying now, and Paul felt just awful for the poor girl. She must have been holding it all in...well, Paul was here. And while he hated crying, he knew that sometimes, to be a good friend, coworker, or teacher, it was necessary to comfort crying people. Even if he did feel awkward and...somehow responsible.

He patted her back in a comforting way and quickly pulled out some tissues from his satchel, too. "Here you go...crying is bad for the eyes but good for the soul, m'dear." He smiled kindly and pulled his arm back so that she could have her space. "Having an off day, then? I'm sorry to have disturbed you." She was probably trying to get some space from everyone and HERE he was, blowing bubbles at her. Pfffft.

"Noooo're looking at the man who cries about EVERYTHING." And he didn't...really hide it from students, heh. He cried in front of Dot in his office. "So no, you don't look like a fool, at least not to me." Nope.

...fix her mother? Paul's heart sank. Was her mother sick? Oh goodness--his mind was whirling---but then she clarified, and he nodded. "A terrible daughter?" He couldn't imagine why she must feel that way! She was a terrific student. "Why do you think that?" Poor distressed child. He waved the tissue in front of her face...
Was the professor....patting her back? Hmm....he really did seem somewhat like a grownup version of Adi in that sense. Bad for her eyes? Was it ever, she turned red and her eyes got all puffy.....she looked pathetic and sad. Which, she was upset....that is why she was crying but still. Good for her soul though, well she had never heard of it put that way before. She did tend to feel better after she let a few of those tears that she held back fall though. Stress and tension release. Although she rarely did cry, especially in front of anyone. day? "I suppose that you could say that. Just....a bit overwhelmed." The typically stoic teen smiled weakly at him. "Oh, no its alright. The bubbles are pretty." She had just....been trying to burn things....

He cried a lot? Well, she thought no differently of him for it. Normal people did seem to cry despite her family's stance on it. "I was always taught, 'Ladies don't cry unless they are at a funeral.' " Her mother would immediately reprimand her and tell her that she looked foolish, so she had learned from a young age to internalize her feelings.

Why? Should she tell him? He could OWL her mother and they could try to ship her off to Beauxbatons. For some reason though, she didn't think that was likely. Something about the older man brought the walls of her emotion repelling shell down. She felt like....maybe....she could even him. Her lips curved into a soft, sad smile as she gently accepted the tissue with a quiet "Thank you." and dabbed her eyes. "I'm probably a terrible daughter because....I'm to have an arranged marriage. I've always known, it is normal practice in my family....but...I'm dating someone. My mother doesn't know and she doesn't like him or approve of him even being my friend. I care about him so much though. I'm horrible but I care about him more than my own mother and I won't give him up." It felt.....almost freeing to admit that, and somewhat frightening. She was going to end up getting herself disowned....."She doesn't know yet, but she wanted me to meet suitors this summer...." She waved the letters that she'd intended to burn. "....but I will be telling her my decision in person when I go back home."
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