Flamsteed & Spencer! <3 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Rachel giggled at the sight of Professor Flamsteed waving his arms about. He never failed to amuse her. She did join him in clapping but her clapping was meant for both Houses. "I think a nice red rose would complement that suit perfectly, Professor, if you pin it to your shirt.'' Without further ado, she moved her wand in a circular fashion. ''Orchideous.'' She had been practicing this spell ever since she arrived at Hogwarts and was not disappointed when a rose, brighter than the shade of the suit, blossomed from her wand. "For you, Professor. I do hope you're not allergic to flowers.'' Rachel held out the rose.
At that moment, another lion arrived. "Hello, Spencer. As I was about to tell Professor Flamsteed, I'm not cheering for any House in particular. They're both playing excellently.'' Rachel couldn't wait to see which of them would be playing Ravenclaw next. "Spencer, your banner is beautiful. Did you create it by yourself?'' She certainly loved the creativity behind it. |