Join Date: May 2009 Location: London
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexander River Hirsch Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: --
x11 x11
| Sorry for the huuuuge delay <3 urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven The professor was laughing. Ava wasn't sure if he laughed because her words were funny or something else. But then she let out a small chuckle. Well, she was 200% sure that Professor Hirsch wasn't a bad person. "Well, I don't think so. If yes, why Headmistress Moxley would hire someone bad for teaching, right?" The young lioness grinned. "It's just the stuffs on muggle television, right? My big brother also had a tattoo but he's not a villain. But, his tattoo isn't as cool as yours."
Maybe Dima should add more tattoo... If his wife approved, or course. "Well, I wish I could. But he dodged my attack very easily... Like stealing candies from five year-old kid." She was allowed to compare those two things since she had five year-old nephew and it's not difficult to bother him. Hehehe. And was the dueling club popular? Well, it was VERY popular! The young lioness knew that most of the students who joined the club last term would be enthusiast to be back again. "I think so, Professor. Some of my friends who were in the club wanted to participate again this year.... If you're gonna make it back of course." But if not? While most people would've taken his laughter as an act of rudeness, he was glad that Ava didn't seem to think so. "Why would she, indeed." Though, he had a few thoughts about her pickings, mainly with that hag. Merlin only knows what she could've been thinking during that interview process. "They like to give you a stereotype. Sometimes the bad guys are the ones looking the most innocent." Shrug. "Well thanks, Miss Burton! What did your brother get? Tattoo-wise." Because this topic had peaked his interest and he wanted to see them for himself but since he couldn't.......
It wasn't exactly hard to tell that the girl wasn't happy with being beaten. "Firstly, he's two years older than you and he knows a lot more magic than you. And secondly," He paused for dramatic effect....... and to take the moment to half-smirk. "Show him you're not the five year old he can easily take candy from." Just saying. "Well, I'm all up for anything that gets you interested in defence. And if it's as popular as you say it is, then I reckon your generation's going to be a force to be reckoned with." Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Kewl. David could be a journalist one day. "I just gotta get my hands on Mr. Green..." he murmured to himself, starting to develop delusions of grandeur an idea of sorts. He WAS a good writer, and he DID enjoy nonfiction... maybe one day! If only his parents didn't HATE journalists.
Dueling Club though! "Eh, kinda," David did a so-so sign with his hand. "I enjoyed watching the duels more than being in them, I think. A lot of students were suspiciously good at spells first years shouldn't have been able to do." Was he accusing them of cheating? Maaaaaaybe. "And I didn't really like attacking my friends. But it was good practice, and a good challenge." So maybe they could just do duel stuff in class, like, AFTER they studied all the dark creatures on his list. And AFTER the professor told them the stories of his tattoos. "Why did you a--- is that a Ukranian Ironbelly?" Why that one specifically?
Speaking of creatures, he beamed at the professor's praise. "Oh, are hags highlighted?" Too bad Davie's voice cracked right on the word hag there. "I mean, ahem, feel free to keep that list, sir." Memorize it, in fact. "I've got a copy I need to give to the Care of Magical Creatures professor. Maybe you guys could do a class TOGETHER, just about Dark creatures! And you could invite my dad in to talk! He's a known nundu hunter!" Er, of sorts, amongst other things. In case they wanted to start with nundu. Not suggesting it or anything...
"Contaaaaaacts," David repeated, wondering if the professor was going to answer the memo, or...? "I should try those." He stroked his chin again thoughtfully. "Muggle doctors?" he chuckled. "They're an okay substitute for a Healer, probably, but I agree." So CONTACTS were what he needed to bother Mum about the next time he was home. Yes. Mental note made, because he was not going to get his pocket notebook out and write down that idea right now. Roderik was enjoyed this, he was. This act, this grandeur that the second year was putting on. Oh, how he wished he had some popcorn chicken to eat while watching this. Maybe he could ask the elves really nicely to make him some that would be extra crunchy.......
Oh. Right. Truebridge.
Sitting up a little, the man smiled and even gave him a small applause. "Practising?"
Now wasn't this a very interesting thought process? Sure, he expected some students to not like the idea of violence but this was different. This was a lot different. "Did the suspiciously advanced knowledge of spells put you off of taking part?" And he wanted to know what kind of spells they were using. "That's the challenge, isn't it? Dueling against your friends. Casting harmful spells at someone is easy enough if you don't know or care about them." That was his logic. Smiling at the mention of the dragon, the man nodded. "Yeah. It's the biggest but not the fastest. Kind of tells you not to judge a book by its cover."
Pause. "And the colours of its scales always fascinated me."
Coughcoughcough. Ahem. "Oh, they might just be." He gave the boy a knowing smile but said nothing about that. He could bring it up if he wanted to. "Thanks! This list is going to come in very useful." It was. It really was. Defence....... and Magical Creatures.... and then Davie's dad? "You seem to be really interested in Dark creatures." Not a bad thing, mind you. "I'll have a word with Professor Draper and we'll see what we can do. Maybe you'll get that lesson on nundus." "They require a lot of maintenance, mind you. Cleaning, making sure you've put them in correctly......" It was why the man stuck to glasses sometimes. "But they're a good alternative. What do you have against glasses?" Was he aware of his pubescent looks? Was that it? Was he going to start asking about body building tips to impress girls? Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Well now that was a loaded question. Dante put down the magazine where he found it and thought about it for a second or two or maybe three. If he said he was just interested in the dark arts Hirsch would think him a little dark wizard in training. But he kind of was. Since it was interesting. But he did want to learn to defend himself against them. Since not getting hurt in duels and real life is very nice thing to learn how to do. "Both, Professor" He did have a point. Talking inside his office would be much better than out here. Dante nodded got up and followed him in. And all the dark art he wanted to learn please. Like he would share that with a new Professor. That would be secret and studying by himself. Though doubt he would even get the book needed to research that in this school. "Orange, really Professor?"
Such an odd color for a room. But he guessed it fit the whole room whatever Hirsch was going for. "What would you being willing to educate me on the Dark Arts or defense against them?"
Dante asked taking a seat Both was an interesting answer. Both. The word played in the man's mind as he went to take a seat behind his desk and offered the Slytherin the one on the other side. "Why do you say both?" See, while it was an interesting approach and he could think of why someone would say that answer but he wanted to hear how this boy thought. How he came to that conclusion.
Orange? "What's wrong with orange?" It wasn't as organised as it could be but surely, it wasn't bad, was it?
Oh ho ho!
And now it was Roderik's turn to answer a hefty question. Merlin, it was like playing an intense game of chess but, you know, tons more interesting. While the man had thought he'd played a good move, the boy had a counter attack ready. "Well, I'd say that you can't defend yourselves against the Dark Arts if you don't know about them in the first place."
Nailed it.
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