~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Rooney! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners "I don't remember being influenced. Just...knew what I wanted." It had been as simple as that. One day he'd wanted to cure fatal illnesses and the next..he knew he wanted to act and be politically involved in the world he lived in. "You should really look into Herbology, Miss Rachel. I hear it's a very rewarding profession if it's truly what you want." Actually, he hadn't heard that, but it seemed important to the other Ravenclaw and he wasn't one to break the plans of someone else. Especially for their future and even more so when it didn't involve him. Like Miss Rachel's. "No specific choice. I want to do some more research into it. I don't know if I'm ready to choose an actual department. I have a lot of things to be doing before that." Like acting and writing and singing and performing. He needed to go to WADA and he needed to go to normal university and everything needed to go exactly how he wanted it to. This was such an important life plan.
Rachel nodded. She knew that for some persons, their professions just clicked. She smiled at him. "Thank you for the encouragement, it's deeply appreciated.'' It always boosted her confidence when she was encouraged to choose a Profession in the field of Herbology. As Rooney said, she wanted to be rewarded and live up to her parents expectations as best as she could.
The first year couldn't help but be impressed by this third year. "You do?'' She looked at a seat at the table and then back at Rooney. "Is it okay if I sit with you for a few minutes? It's not often I get to chat with someone approximately my age and has their future planned in such detail.'' She smiled again. "What other things do you have to accomplish if you don't mind me asking?" |