Zebtle | Malfoy Minion | Chico | Jedi | Huffinator
Henric sat at the back and watched the hag carefully. He sighed. It was weird that he was here to witness this. He thought he had dropped the subject after Professor Cassie left last term... apparently not. What was she brewing over at the fireplace? He could smell it all away from here! Merlin... it smelled horrible...
He had no idea what made Professor Moxley chose the hag to teach divination to the students. Was it because there weren't enough divination professors left in the world? Impossible. He wished she could have pick a pretty professor ...like the new transfiguration professor Ichihara for instance. More sighing...
She kept talking about their doom again and he couldn't help but shake his head. Was she going to teach or do tarot card reading? So far, he wasn't impressed. He could have gone to Professor Cassie shop if he wanted a tarot card reading..honestly.