∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack A centaur with an attitude problem. Didn’t they all? Have an attitude problem, that is. James hadn’t ever encountered a friendly one. They never took particularly well to humans anyways. "Didn’t give him a reason to have an attitude, did you?” Cue the single raised eyebrow.
UM. Was this boy sure he was a part of the blue house? That comment was far braver than many would admit to out loud. ”Well, I trust I’ll be seeing you in ALL my lessons.” Because rest assured, ”I don’t take well to skippers.” Mostly because he knew how they worked. He was one way back in the day. Knew all the strategies. No one would get away with skipping his lessons.
And no, James hadn’t forgotten the underwear that the kid had thrown in the sink. Only he rather not thing about it. Absolutely distasteful. Furthermore, how the bloody hell did he manage that?! The ink? He got ink on his underwear. What was he trying to write down there? ”…..Kid, are you a wizard, or what?” Y’know, there are spells for this kind of stuff. Yup. Definitely judging. Hardcore. "I followed instructions. Not my fault I didn't master having four legs and hooves immediately." Besides, weren't teachers supposed to take failure in their stride and encourage their students? Not to have their own kind laughing at their students and knocking their confidence. "I'm glad that we have a new Professor, though." Maybe he'd be able to concentrate a little more without worrying about being trampled to death by a stampede or shooting arrows at targets whilst running. It had been a joke. "'ll be there, Professor. You can count on it."
Looking between the adult and the underwear, Roo chewed on the inside of his cheek and managed a frown. "I am, but.. I have my underwear hand washed..." Because he couldn't guarantee that magic would leave no rashes or traces of something. What if a cleaning spell cleaned up his leg and he was left with a stump?!
Magic was dangerous.
This man only knew about creatures.
__________________ [Grimoire]__________________________________________________ ____________  |