Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Now that class was coming to an end, it was about time for the portrait interviews to come to an end as well. He could tell some of the portraits were getting a little tired and probably needed to be put away too. "Time for questions are up, class," he announced, once he saw many of the students finishing up and returning to their seats. "You'll have a little bit of time to write a summary of what you learned, then we'll have our groups present."
Ansley listened to the presentations on Augustus and Artemesia, then politely applauded their efforts. They got most of the points on Augustus Flume, and most of Ms. Timms as well, though he wondered if the students who interviewed her knew why her memory was so poor. Or if they found out that he painted her, though that wasn't pertinent to her story. "Okay, we still need to hear about Violetta Bulstrode, Lucian Warrington, and Elliot Kegworth when those groups are ready... Then that will wrap up class for the day. You can leave your written summaries on my desk." And maybe he could get a few volunteers to help him put the portraits away. OOC - I am going to leave this thread open for a few more hours (12ish) for anyone that wants to finish up RPing - writing the assignment, presenting, turning it in, etc. That is it for portrait questions/answers though. Thanks for coming, I hope everyone enjoyed this lesson, I had a lot of fun with it =)
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |