Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Ariadne beamed at the mention of her dad. "He was!" she exclaimed. She thought it was really cool that the professor knew her father! "He retired when I was really, really little, though. I think he was an awesome Minister!" She had only been a toddler when her father had run the Ministry of Magic, but he had been then and still was one of her top two heroes! Her mom was the other one.
"I'm just the opposite of your daughter, then. I kind of wish my mom was still here," she admitted. She really missed her mom and dad right now. Maybe those feelings would taper away as she grew older, but right now, she was still feeling the effects of being away from home for the first time. She grew wide-eyed at the next comment. "That's SO COOL that she got to decorate your office! I'm going to stop by one day and see it!" Maybe he would let Ariadne turn a couch orange or something!
She frowned when he gave her a definite no to riding around on the moving staircase. "Okay, then. I guess I'm off then. I've toured the castle enough for today anyway. Have an awesome day!" she said.
This one's excitement was very contagious and Julien did enjoy seeing children happy and excited. The innocence of the young was inspiring.
"I remember when he was the minister." He was in Canada for some of it, but he still kept up with the politics here. Yes he'd imagine she was little,
"He was a good minister. You can be assured that." Even if he wasn't Julien would never say a bad thing to his daughter about him, but he wasn't lying.
"Once you get older that will change. You'll want to be with friends more than having parents around." He knew that well having two older children and soon Juni would feel that way as well.
"Stop by anytime and have fun with the stairs, but again be careful." "You have a good day too." With that he started heading down the corridor the way he was going before he had stopped to talk.