dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle's portrait of choice was now surrounded by several students, all firing questions at the woman. As Ms. Timms began to respond, Janelle had to listen carefully for the answer to her question. Ahhhh. She was a seeker. That meant that Ms. Timms was a professional Quidditch player. Clearly she thought that the students knew who she was. Maybe they did, but Janelle was pretty much clueless about her subject.
Hoping to change all of that, Janelle geared up for question number two. "Ms. Timms, what are some of your other interests............besides Quidditch, that is?" She would imagine that Quidditch wasn't the only thing that the seeker was interested in.
Quill and notebook in hand, Janelle took down the important details. She had some paragraphs to write. Apparently she was also going to have to make a presentation to the class. Was it too late to rethink the -I'll just go solo and forgo the group-idea?
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Salt! |