Lucian Warrington Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb As soon as the voice rang out from the portrait, Norah took a stumbling step backwards, landing on Henric's foot. "Sorry sorry sorry!" She considered stooping down to give his foot a little apologetic pat, but then she'd be missing valuable time with this portrait guy who really didn't seem to be in a very nice mood. And that sounded counterproductive, yeah? Henric's foot would just have to BELIEVE that she felt bad, 'cause she did. Poor thing. It was time's like this that she was thankful for being so small, and that barely ever happened.
She listened and nodded in response to Olly's question, then added another one of her own. Y'know. One just wasn't enough. "Did they have chocolate frogs when you were alive?" It was important, okay?
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