Thread: Music Classroom
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Old 01-20-2016, 06:14 AM   #33 (permalink)
Jean Granger

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Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 956

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jade Joyce
Third Year
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop

Originally Posted by Optimist View Post
Unaware that aaaaaaaanyone was listening she just continued playing and grinning to herself. Her little nerd!girl heart was so happy with the fact that star wars was being played. Looking up when she heard her name – who said…IT WAS CARL!

“Hey Carl!” She grinned back at him and grinned widely, beamed was more like it. The little shirt thing just shifted her Cello and began tucking it away, well for now at least. “What brings you up here?” She asked excitedly only to grin even more and nooooo she wasn’t blushing about anything. “Brilliant? Me…no, I’m just a bit nerdy?” She admitted with a grin.

It wasn’t anything to be ashamed about heck, every superhero needed their alias and hers…was a comic book reading cello playing witch. “How’s hufflepuff?” She asked happily “my sister’s boyfriend’s a puff he’s really nice…gives great hugs” she nodded….though she didn’t get them from him often more because well, he was weird.
Bam, bam, bam, bam bam bam! Carl grinned happily. He loved Star Wars and it had been a long time since he had watched the film or in fact, listened to the theme music. Moreover, it was his friend Mel playing it! Wait, was it just him, or was she blushing? She was indeed grinning a lot. Oh well, it must have been the lighting. He smiled super wide back at her.

"I was exploring Hogwarts and I heard Star Wars being played, so I just had to come and compliment whoever was performing." Carl replied. "Nerdy??? Nooo, not at all! Liking a good film and some good music is not being nerdy." He waved away the statement in disbelief.

Pulling a stool closer to Mel, Carl sat down. "It is great! The Common Room is cozy, our Head of House is nice and everybody is friendly to each other." He nodded and asked, "How is Gryffindor? I knew you would get Sorted there." Actually, he had not thought about the Sorting much on Platform 9 3/4 and the Hogwarts Express, but after the Ceremony he realized how her character suited the House of bravery and courage perfectly. "Maybe that is another Hufflepuff trait! I give great hugs too." Though not many people wanted to be hugged by him. They were just strange that way.
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