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Old 01-20-2016, 03:52 AM   #31 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Colt rolled his eyes at her cockiness. "Well you do succeed. Why not practice on an animated tree? Gives me more of a challenge.." He didn't want to tell her she was right. Kind of a macho thing. "Well then can I practice the spells on you then?" he asked with a sly grin. He couldn't wait for her answer to this one. "Well I think you should do the dueling club. It is really chill and it taught me a lot. I mean the Professor was weird though. He put in a groups with the younger kids which wasn't fair. He put me with 1st and 2nd years. I mean my winning didn't say much. Maybe I will be able to verse you.." He was picturing their duel and it could be pretty intense.

"Well I think the professors are kind of chill. I like the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He seems enthusiastic about his topic. My old teacher back in durm was so boring. He didn't have any enthusiasm." Ugh those lessons were torture.
Dora saw that eye roll and gave him one right back! Fool! Hmph!

"I dare you to try it! I'll disarm you in moments." She had already unholstered her wand as she was talking. Like really, bring it, bro! #GRYFFINDOR

And the dueling club... She was unsure. She felt she had an unfair advantage over most second years and would decimate idiot boys like Colt... "And maybe you would cry because a little girl beat you," she said in a sing song voice. Because really... Dora Kennedy Umbridge was kind of a big deal!

"The new DADA professor isn't Sabel." Nuff said? Yep.
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