Text Cut: Bazinga
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Mother was a professor and a head of house. Julien nodded as he thought about the different professors. He assumed she still wasn't a professor, but maybe he had heard of her at least. "Who is your mother?" He probably should know this, but being new and having so many students it was hard to keep track. One big thing happened, "I had seen that in the paper. My daughter had attended here for two years and didn't have too much trouble. Last term she said was pretty laid back." He remembered the acromentulas though he wouldn't mention it. "I think Hogwarts likes to test our minds sometimes to make sure we are the best of the best." They were the top wizarding school so of course the castle had to make sure they lived up to that.
He couldn't help but admire the innocence of a child. "Well it will change every time you come back, but it is for practice, so make sure you practice at least one charm every time you enter." He didn't mind having fun as long as some learning was involved. If he didn't like fun he wouldn't have made the room as interesting as he did. Her questions were amusing to Julien and he couldn't help but indulgent her with answers. "Yes a very long time ago I was here. I am a Ravenclaw." There was no hiding his pride in his house of blue.
"Her name is Hecate Lafay Greingoth, but she went by Hecate Lafay when she taught here," Ariadne answered. She perked up when the professor mentioned his daughter used to go to Hogwarts, too.
"That's AWESOME!" she exclaimed.
"It's too bad she doesn't go here anymore. I bet she was amazing at Charms with having a Charms expert as a dad!" Just like Ariadne THOUGHT she might be good at Potions, but she couldn't be sure right now. There was always the possibility of a melted cauldron. That would be PURE EMBARRASSMENT to write home about.
"The school likes to test our minds," she repeated.
"That's kind of deep! Like the school has a brain of its own..." She glanced to the left and right of her as she said this, almost as if she was suddenly hyper-aware of what could happen to her. She nodded when the professor instructed her to actually practice charms in his super exciting charms room.
"It's a deal!" she said. He had said he was a Ravenclaw, but just then a thought came to Ariadne, and she couldn't focus on Hogwarts houses right now.
"PROFESSOR!" she called out. She was just too excited for lowercase letters.
"I have an idea! Why don't you take me for a ride on the MOVING STAIRCASES!"