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Old 01-19-2016, 01:47 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post

At least the girl knew how to spell. But where had she learned how to speak? Did she like live on the streets or something? What even...? "Yes. With a P." Maggie still spoke slowly for fear the girl wouldn't understand her otherwise.

Also because she was kind of hoping the girl would imitate her and speak more slowly too.

Carry her books? Well that wasn't a very fair deal. Maggie thought about it for a long moment before looking back at the girl again, a small smirk on her lips. "Tell you what. You get us one of those two-way mirrors. And you keep yours on you always. So whenever I need something I can reach you." That was a great deal right? Like. If she needed someone to post her letters or get something from the library or something.

"Well it's not like anyone would ever mess with me." Like no. Maggie looked around again but didn't really see anything out of the ordinary. Maybe it had just been Peeves or something.
Sam could do phonetic spelling, for sure. But the girl would probably be horrified had she tried to write it down. Sam hadn't received the most consistent education when it'd come to her reading and writing, mainly because, yes, she'd been brought up on the street. "Proper," she said again with a smile.

A smile that turned into a smirk, as the girl deliberated, but soon faltered at her suggestion. "Nah, I ain't dat stupid," she replied with a snort. "I mean, yeh must be kiddin' meh. Where'm I tah get a coupleh them mirrors from?" And hadn't the girl noticed Sam had said she'd carry the books just now, and NOT forever more?

Just NOPE and NOPE.

She'd talk to Dora about it instead. Her Gryffindor bestie hadn't judged her at all, not even when seeing Sam in her natural habitat. No need to bother this Slytherin with it when she'd made a totally generous offer.

"Dere's always a way tah mess wiff people," she commented after a while with a shrug. She saw plenty of it, living where she did. "N yeh the one worryin' bout it, not me." Sam couldn't have cared less about the laughing thing, not when nothing else had happened since.

So...maybe she should start to think about leaving this girl to it, before something weird DID happen?
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