Fluttery Pegasi Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist Mel’s eyebrows furrowed a bit at the gesturing and then she really got it. This girl wasn’t just a Ravenclaw. She was a Ravendor…or a Gryffinclaw…smart and brave. She was someone Mel would have to keep an eye on or maybe just invite along for any prank planning and shenanigans. “really? But they could make an entire amusement park out of it” she frowned for a moment before grinning at Haddie. “just do what I do and always carry a trusty pair of wire cutters were ever you go.” Yep. It was her secret. She always had them.
She nodded and looked down herself. “I like history things…but only like wars.” Mel admitted, “I mean I collect weapons” she added with a grin. “oooooooh I don’t know but I’m sure we could find a way down there” she beamed at her. “I would want to quote Shakespeare to any skull I found down there” she smirked.
Alas Poor death eater.
“Hadley? That’s a cool name! I might call you Haddie though…and you can always call me Mel…or well Melon and some people even call me Mel-burn or Burny.” She admitted listing the names she had from both family and now students as well. “Really? Why’s that?” She asked curiously. “really? Maybe we could cast some kind of spell? Like the rope one? And a sticking charm…do you know any spells?” She asked excitedly. "Well, after the police bring you home a few times," -Okay, once- "for trespassing in an unsafe area, your parents kinda start searching your bag for wire cutters and things." At least hers did. But what did they expect with that abandoned mall just sitting there, two blocks away for most of her childhood. How could anyone resist that!?
This girl, this girl got her. They were kindred spirits. So why did the stupid Hat give her Gryffindor and Haddie Ravenclaw? Everything she was saying could have been out of Haddie's own mouth. "That's awesome. How many do you have? What kind of weapons?"
Melon was too good a nickname to pass up. Haddie nodded. "I know a cleaning spell, courtesy of the opening feast fun, and I know how to lock and unlock things." She frowned, looking down at the ground below. "I'm going to go the other end and see if we can climb down. Wanna join, Melon?" She smirked as she said the nickname. With any luck though, the sides wouldn't be any worse than the hills she climbed all the time in California. "Maybe we'll find wands or gold or daggers or something! Oh! How do you feel about pranks, because we if find skeletons, I have a good idea for one."
Last edited by Callie; 01-19-2016 at 05:26 AM.