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Colt scrunched his eyebrows and saw she winched when she touched her nose. He tilted his head to get a better look. "Does it hurt? I know a spell to fix it if you need it.." he offered. "I have many broken noses before." That was an understatement. His cousins like to play rough on the quiddicth field and always his cousin Braedon managed to elbow him right in the nose. Well fair to say Colt was eye level at the time but he had grown since then.
"No no don't apologize and nah you didn't hit me with your book.." he said and went over and got it for her. He flipped it over to see the front cover and frowned in amusement. "Hmm interesting book your reading." he commented and handed it back to her. "I am Colt by the way. Colt Winchester." He needed to at least say his name so she wouldn't think he was a stranger.
Azura slowly nodded her head as she put her hand to her nose and.. oh hey look.. Blood! This was getting ridiculous!
"It does hurt a little." She admitted.. okay it hurt a lot.. but he didn't have to know that! She looked up at him though, her purple eyes slightly a light as he spoke..
"Really? So have I! and all in the past few weeks!
Azura let out a slightly muffled sigh of relief as she kept her fingers by her nose.
"I'm so glad I didn't hit you." She said with as much of a warm smile as she could muster at him.
"And thank you." She said as he commented on her book.
"A friend of mine wanted to teach me, so I thought I would read up on it." She explained slightly thickly..
"Azura Kennedy." The Raven haired Child smiled as she looked up at him.
"It's nice to meet you Colt."