Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Yoongi waited for Dante to answer and leaned against the wall with his arms still folded over each other as he did so. Was he really going to answer truthfully? He had a feeling he was going to and the Gryffindor had asked for it. So no matter what he said he promised not to get offended or angry. Which would be really weird because he rarely got angry. Like…only two times in his life had that happened…
His answer however, took him by surprise. “Who said a leader is supposed to be smart?” he asked. He did agree that it had to be someone who was respected but you can’t get that, you have to earn it in his opinion. “In my opinion, a leader, Especially the Head Boy or Girl is supposed to be someone who’s willing to listen, to help solve problems and help out whoever needs help no matter who they are.” he said. “And the last Head Boy qualified for all of those in my opinion” he smiled.
He watched as the Slytherin took out a piece of candy from his pocket and threw it at the mirror. For a second, he thought the candy would be sucked in the mirror itself but then it simply bounced off and he laughed. “That really was!” he continued to laugh as he stepped forward to examine the mirror again. “Maybe…its charmed some way” he muttered and then took out his wand and tapped it at the mirror. “SpeRevelio!” ...he ...didn't think that that was going to work though... mweh. Guess he had a point a Leader did not have to be smart. Though the dumb ones usually die a lot quicker than the smart ones. But yeah you win there Head Boy."I will give you that Zander tried. And well i would like my leaders to be smart. But i guess you are right. Though at least you have something on the Zander. You did not take orders from me and Cutty or give out favors to slytherins" So good job Yoongi you deserve a cookie. But too bad Dante did not have any. All he had left as ton tongue toffee. Which he would totally give Yoongi if he wanted any for a price of course.
Huh seemed like the candy did nothing and Yoongi's spell did nothing. Well now this mirror was just being stubborn. So no secret spells on it that a seventh year's wand could detect. Well it could still be advanced magic. Probably. Dante sighed this mirror was a mystery.
"Hypothetically, if you were to see me try and break it. Would you have to report me"
Hypothetically speaking, of course
__________________  -------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside. |