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DJ ExpelliarMOOSE Tory was sitting off in the corner of the Owlery. Parchment and Quill in hand. His Small Elf Owl Spitfire not to far off nibbling on some Owl Treats the young lion had given him moments ago.
He scratched his Quill in his hair before dipping it in the ink and began writing a letter to his Father. Detailing as much as he could of everything that happened since School Started. The Ugly Hag on the Train who was also his Divination Professor, The Food Fight and Learning that Uncle Julien would be teaching him Charms at school. The Said Charms class and the Rivalry he had formed with some snooty Ravenclaw Girl. The Ghost in the Astronomy Tower, and the Astronomy Professor who was his Head of House and how the Man had helped him go farther in obtaining his Goal of Flying without a Broom. He was sure there was so much more he could write to his Father.
He didn't much care that his Dad couldn't read it as he was now too. Because some day, his Dad will wake-up and get to see all the awesome stuff Torrance got to do.
He wouldn't make his father miss a hear beat.
Now was there anything else he could add to this Letter? He looked back up at Spitfire and pondered a bit longer.
Kat had a letter. A very important letter to send home. It was of the most importance that it was send as soon as possible. But it wasn't nearly was important as the permission slip for dueling club. That was really what was important here.
She threw some owl treats in her pocket and headed to the owlery. She wasn't going to use her small owlet, chacha to send this. She would take forever to fly home. She was using Phillips owl, which was much faster. Bigger was faster. It made sight, right.
Heading into the owlery Kat, spotted Tory. Who was sitting on the corner. She walked over to him.
"Hey, Tory? Why are you writing in here?"