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One of her absoloute favourite things to do was to be bake, thanks to her mother. Rachel enjoyed baking practically everything especially cupcakes but she reasoned she would try something different today. Possibly she would bake something that she hadn't in a long while.
She stepped into the kitchen and paused to admire the hardworking House elves. Her eyes then moved towards the Ravenclaw she had often seen around in the common room. Rachel approached him. "Austin?'' Was that his name? She looked down at the binder to see a recipe for s'mores cookies. "You're about to bake those? They look delicious. Would you like some help?'' She would understand if he refused her. Who would want a first year helping them?
Austin was about to get started when a familiar face walked up to him. Now came the hard part... names. The Ravenclaw was awful when it came to remembering names. It was worse this year, since he had made a lot of new friends. Many of which were first years. Since he couldn't remember her name, he opted out of trying to figure it out.
"I'd love some help. We're going to need some graham crackers, and flour..." He paused for a moment.
"And some eggs. Do you know where to find those?" This was the first time Austin had been in the kitchen, and he wasn't sure where anything was. He assumed the eggs were in the fridge, and the dry ingredients in some sort of cupboard. But were there certain things that they weren't allowed to use? Maybe there were house elves who could help. Either way he hoped his new friend knew something.