Originally Posted by
Ursula Black
"You will die at the hands of one you love. They don't love you of course and will not blink an eye to end you." She cackled as she covered her crystal ball. [b] "No more free readings for you. Your deadly stench is clouding it up. She searched in her bag and pulled out a dirty string necklace laced in smelly herbs. "Wear this, it could help keep the love away for the time being." She put it on him and grinned as she tossed a few treats on the ground for the cats roaming around.
"But i don't love anyone!" he said , trying his best not to roll his eyes. He liked Norah of course, a lot but...love? That was too...but then she was covering up the crystal ball.
"That's it?" he asked, his voice raised slightly.
"How many of your predictions have actually turned out to be true?" He asked and a moment later a very dirty string of necklace was put around his neck and he tried not to breath too much of it. Oh this would definitely keep away the love...
"But i dont want to keep the love away!" he hadn't even had his first kiss and now he couldn't even get love itself?
"Thank you for your concern but i don't need this" he said and he took off the smelly necklace and handed it back.