~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: CORN! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz
Oh shoot! Wrong person.
Instead of freaking out, Cornelius laughed sneakily. He scared sweet Rachel and she punched him. Even though it didn't hurt he rubbed his arm and winced as if it had. "You punched me. You actually punched me." He feigned being hurt, then cracked a grin. "Didn't mean to scare you, but you made it pretty easy," he teased, picking up the rubber duck that had fallen off the shelf.
QUACK. "D'you think I was a ghost?" he asked, squeezing the duck. He did sound pretty scary if he said so himself.
Cornelius Baltazar was actually laughing at her. Instead of feeling bad about the situation, Rachel joined in by adding her giggles to Corn's laughter. Yes, she had actually 'punched' him. It was very uncharacteristic of her but she was rather comfortable around her friend and after all, they had goofed around before. "I'll punch you again if you scare me anytime,'' she said, still smiling. There were plenty more Rachel Watson punches reserved for you, Corn. "By making it easy, do you mean minding my own business?'' She watched him pick up the duck and squeeze it. "Yes,'' Rachel responded, reaching for a smaller duck. "A ghost with shiny teeth.'' She giggled again, remembering their conversation a few months ago. "Here, this is the duckling; your duck's child. Quack quack.'' |