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Old 01-17-2016, 07:15 AM   #6 (permalink)
Casey O

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Originally Posted by StarShine View Post
Girl pls.

Katherine rolled her eyes to herself while she wasn't looking. That she could even believe for a split second that the owls could speak... No, reading the whole Hogwarts: A History really ought to be the prerequisite.

"I don't think an owl eats a grasshopper," she said, "and anyway, it's gross." Like, ew. How could she even touch that thing?

Ellery scrunched her nose up and looked at the girl. She seemed very…judgmental, so Ellery judged her right back. Fashion sense…actually pretty good. Face-wise…nice. And she had a letter in her hand. Ellery stood up and scooted to the side, so that the girl could fetch her owl.

"I'm pretty sure owls eat bugs. And a grasshopper is most DEFINITELY a bug. An insect, actually, higher classification orthoptera." Might as well impress the girl, after all. "Plus, it was either this or finding a smaller bird, and I didn't want to do that. And it's not gross, it's SCIENCE." Cue smile.
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