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Old 01-16-2016, 07:05 PM   #9 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Dora stretched her legs out and watched Daxton from the corner of her eye. Did she smell bad or something?? Leaning her head a bit she sniffed the front of her robes and frowned. Smelled fine to her. Hmmm.

Her eyes were fully on the boy now that he was settled. OH! She read his lips!!! Bored.

He was bored.

Story of her life.

Remembering to speak softly she sighed and spoke, "Yeah. I can't decide if I'd rather be home or here. People are really dull here." That was her being diplomatic, really. She thought most of the people here were dumb. Heh.

"Did you have an interesting summer at least?"
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