Originally Posted by
But considering that women's fashions were not his forte, the second-year calmly nodded to that topic. "Good!" He was instead pleased she would be reading his mum's book. "She worked on it with Mr. Scabior! I'm sure you remember him, Kyroh's dad?" Prolly. The Grey Lady was SUPER old, so surely she knew all the old old old old parent-like people his mum associated with and had worked with at this very school.
Anyway. He smiled once more as the Grey Lady mentioned her friend Sir Nick (SEE!) and her... well, frenemy? the Bloody Baron. "Oh that's easy," he answered her latest question. "You hang out with them a lot, and do fun activities together that you both enjoy, like exploring or climbing trees or eating ice cream, and you tell each other your secrets, but not any that would hurt the other person's feelings, and you just... you have each other's backs! Like if someone were bullying Char or being mean to her little brother Callum, I'd have to intervene and back her up, because I'm Char's BFF." Yep! That was pretty much how friendship worked. Why did the Grey Lady want to know? Was she one of those Ravenclaws who could only be friends with books??!! OR....
The second year gasped as he was struck by another idea. "You're not testing me to see if the Sorting Hat made a mistake with me, are you? I SWEAR I'm not a Hufflepuff. I have friends, but I love books too! Please, Ms. Ravenclaw, I promise I'm in the right house!" He nearly reached out to tug on her dress for emphasis, but the sudden cold shock of his hand brushing her outfit made him stop.
Smiling faintly Helena affirmed.
"Yes I remember, Mr Scabior he used to teach History of Magic here at Hogwarts. His lessons were always well liked." Kyroh on the other hand the lady hadn't quite gotten the grasp of, he seemed to not like her.
David was a great resource. He had so many suggestions. Many of them she did not fully comprehend though. Like the need to intervene on someone else's behalf? Helena would have sought out a prefect to handle it. She was not one for confrontations.
"Thanks for the advice David. I shall try it out. We ghosts though can't experience the same fun activities as you can with your lady friend Char. It's not possible for us."
Before Helena could say or ask anything young David pulled an idea out of the air that made her just stare at him before she retorted upset.
"I'm not testing you David. You are as much a Ravenclaw as I am. That you'd even ask me that is unthinkable.. You are in the right house. With your thirst for knowledge and endless trail of questions you belong in the eagle house nowhere else."
Floating away from him Helena mumbled her voice suddenly full of tears.
"I just asked cause even I can have friend troubles." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Nearly Headless Nick
Making his way from the Gryffindor common room with the intended destination of the library, Sir Nicholas appeared quite suddenly through one of the walls.
"Lady Helena," he greeted, his bow uncharacteristically delayed and eyes wide at her unexpected presence in this part of the castle. "I was not...oh, Sir Truebridge. Pardon my intrusion, but may I have your permission to ask the Lady Helena about a rather pressing matter? It shan't take long."
Upset by David's suggestion Helena floated backwards and away from the young eagle fiddling with the hem of her dress. Then of course the object of her thoughts had to arrive. Sir Nicholas. Distraught she mumbled
"Sir Nicholas...." forgetting to curtsy like she used to towards him Helena averted her gaze and didn't say anything else. Sir Nick was talking to David.